Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Devil Inside

Sometimes it's a little easier to see the devil peaking out. Lately Lydia and I have been having some serious power struggles. All of you people out there who have children under to age of five or haven't been a parent to a five year old child in a while may scoff, but I'm telling you it can get rough.
Yesterday, I got up at 7:30 in the morning, (how dare I sleep "in" to 7:30 I know). And my little cherub of a child had scalped all of her dolls and a third of her hair was also cut off.
This has been an issue for a while. The girl loves a make-over. Usually I just deal and cut bangs or use a lot of clips and barrettes to make it look normal. This time I was obviously a little grouchy and well totally exasperated. So I just handed her the scissors and said "Cut as much off as you want now. Get it over with and I'll make an appointment at the salon for whatever is left." (Bad Mommy moment)
Well four hours and $35.00 later:

My child has short hair. A cut which is very sweet and cute and totally hers. It's something I never imagined for her and yet she is so beautiful.

Lesson learned: She is becoming her own person. It's not about hair and it's not about control. It's about a five year old wanting to cut her hair. Yes I wanted to cry as I watched those golden locks fall to the floor but it helped me to realize that of course she will always be an extension of me. But she isn't a reflection of me. And that's a good thing to start to realize, because it's hard enough to be yourself, it's damn near impossible to try be what your mom wants you to be.

Now if only I can remember this moment for the future when she decides to join the Young Republicans.

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