Sunday, January 13, 2008

yes I'm broken

I broke my left arm a week ago. The same day that I decided to start this blog. Coincidence? I'm not so sure.
I broke it sledding (which is listed as one of my favorite things to do). Not a coincidence.
The purple cast was my decision. I think it reflects my passionate side, (like Purple Passion circa 1989 two liter bottles). If you can remember this refreshing beverage you obviously didn't drink enough of it.
I had a choice of several colors.
Cobalt Blue: was my second choice, if I break anything else I'll go with this.
Hot Pink: The most glamorous person in our house would have loved this (my 4 year old daughter, Lydia). I almost got it in honor of her but as the receptionist at the orthopedist stated snottily "it would have clashed with your hair". Yeah my dye job is not looking that great. But for this to be pointed out by a middle aged woman with a frosted shag, wearing a snowman pin would have hurt less if it wasn't for the fact that I was in a fragile state, HAVING JUST BROKEN MY ARM!
Tie Dyed: Way too much of a fashion statement. In this town it would not be ironic.
Camouflage: Also wouldn't be ironic in this town. Could be a potential conversation starter with an actual hunter or someone else requiring camo. You don't want to mess with those people.
Neon Orange: See above.
Yellow, Brown, Black, all nice colors but not enough favor.
So you can see why I picked purple. It shows that I'm fashion conscious but not at all obsessed with myself.
Note: I know you don't believe me but those are not my drawings on the cast.

1 comment:

Hott Mama said...

Yay! I was just about to harass you for not posting and then I found this little gem.
More! More!

And your hair looks great. Boo to that nurse!