Thursday, April 10, 2008

Hooters for Hair

When is a haircut for you child just a haircut? And when is a haircut for your child a lesson in the exploitation of woman? "Yes Lydia, even you one day may wear a tight white tank and five inch heals and earn an honest living." It's the American way and that is why I attempted to bring my child to Trim's in RI for a "trim" if you can believe it.

I know what you are thinking. How can you be so naive? Are you that oblivious? Well, I wasn't thinking and obviously it shows because I almost let my child get a bob at the "Hooters for Hair". There are huge posters of "pretty ladies" in the window but don't most places have pictures of attractive people in their windows when they are trying to lure in costumers. It's on the way to Providence so I wasn't thrown that you couldn't see inside, it just sort of had a city feel. It is located relatively close to her preschool (about two miles, that's like next door in RI), and it was on my way. I had noticed that it was there a few months back and stored it's location in my memory Haircut = place across from CVS. This is what people do, right, "I don't need a "trim" now brain but store this info so, I know where to go when I do". Plus it said barbershop which I associate with cheap. When I was little I got my hair cut at a barbershop with my granddad. It's an easy cut what's the big deal. She just need a quick trim for god sakes and in RI that might cost me more than my shoes. Well now I know what the big deal is.

So I open the door and immediately realize my mistake. I will say all the woman had a disturbing Bratz Doll appeal (which Lydia loved) . She was pretty upset that we left in such a tizzy.

I might have changed my mind if I knew that you get a free, cold can of Bud with each cut. Now that's my type of marketing.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Where,oh, where, is this hOOters of hair? I just might have to go there...