Saturday, February 2, 2008

Out To Lunch

Lydia and I took G.G. out to lunch at Newport Creamary (Awful -Awful is so Wonderful - Wonderful) , for her 95th B-Day. Everything went great, Lydia and G.G. both had sugar highs and we had a nice time in public with few disruptions. G.G. was obsessed with a man sitting at an adjacent table who unfortunately had a huge strawberry nose.

"Look at that man's nose. Turn around. Just look, it's huge. There must be something wrong with him," says G.G in a booming voice that only someone who is 90% deaf would use.

"Grandma, he can hear you."

"There is a man sitting over there, and well...I think there is something wrong with his nose."

"Grandma, he can still hear you. Please stop."

Three minutes go by.

"I just noticed, there is a man over there with a huge nose. What do you think is wrong with him?"

Then as we were walking out one of my favorite G.G.isms happens: she yells out "Look at that OLD lady, don't I know her? She's two feet away from this persons table.

First of all the woman looks like she's not a day older than 68 (she could even be 45 and a heavy drinker it's hard to tell), that's a good 25 years younger than G.G. Second of all we don't know her and at this point she's offended. Then Lydia adds, "which OLD lady, this whole place is filled with old ladies."

Just another lunch with the girls.


Amanda said...

mmmmmm...newport creamery...
that whole incident probably wasn't that fun while it was happening, but it sure is funny after the fact!

Hott Mama said...

I'm with Lydia, those places attract old ladies in a way that is only rivalled by Bingo parlors.